The Oath – Launch Feature

Today Monday 24th July 2023 I celebrate the launch of my fourth novel The Oath. Later on I will share some snippets about my main characters but in the meantime there’s an online TV interview live on Showboat TV where author Judith Barrow asks me some great questions.

If you’d like to see the interview, go to the homepage HERE where it’s available free to view.

My first review for The Oath came through this morning. You can read it HERE

The Oath is up on Kindle at an early bird price of £2.99 (price equivalent in other countries) but that price will go up on 1st August 2023. It’s been set up this way to offer a loyalty price to my family, friends, and followers.
To take the opportunity of a copy at this price – go HERE

If you have Kindle Unlimited, like my family saga trilogy, The Oath can be downloaded FREE.

The Oath is also available in paperback and can be ordered on Amazon or via any good bookstore (brick or online). Alternatively if you pop into your local library the librarian will be happy to order it in.

Watch out later for the snippets about my main characters.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all my followers for their support, not only for today, but every day.

5 thoughts on “The Oath – Launch Feature

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